
Work Plan Template
*Name: Eman Mohamed Youssef
*Governorate: Assuit
* School Name: Gamal Farghaly Sultan Secondary School For Boys

*Educational Zone: Assuit

Simple Objectives:
Students are able to realize the importance of communication and how to communicate with people in different situations in real life.
* Educational Stage: Preparatory stage one to grade three secondary stage
*Main Scope : It is important to develop the skills of 21th century and the ability to be creative students and how to deal with different situations.
*Curriculum – framing Questions:
- Essential Question;
How does language help students to practice language?
-Unit Question;
What kind of situation can students perform?
Content Questions;
1- you want to invite someone . What should you say?
2- Your friend wants to borrow a book from you. What should you say?
3- you meet your old classmates . What should you say?
4- your friend broke the pen he borrowed from you. He apologized . What should you say?
5- You are asked about your favoured sportsman . What is your response?
* Timeline: My project starts from 1 to 30 May.
* Membership;
We invite all members to participate in our project.
* the Standard level and evaluation

After working
During work
Before starting work
-The outcomes of work should measure the level standard of students.
- the standard progress of the team.
- checking the average of the students intelligence.
- the ability to use intent and computer and develop the skills of the 21 century.
- kind of work and activities they do.
The ability to achieve work.-
.Books from library
.websites to bog;http://
