
عرض المشاركات من 2010


If you find that you maybe dealing with an intelligent entity. There are ways you can try to make contact with this spiritual energy. Making contact is one way to try and find out what maybe going on in your home or even who it might be a hunting your place or the location. Theres been lots of new discovered ways of communication and even the old ones work just as well. Heres a list of tools to help you to try and make contact with the entity and this can also help you to find out if you may have an intelligent being on your location. Video Feedback Loop or Transcommunication video: This is where you produce a video feedback image. It is believed to open a channel for images from the other side to show up. 4. Séance: A group of people who gather in an effort to communicate


Work Plan Template *Name: Eman Mohamed Youssef *Governorate: Assuit * School Name: Gamal Farghaly Sultan Secondary School For Boys *Educational Zone: Assuit Simple Objectives: Students are able to realize the importance of communication and how to communicate with people in different situations in real life. * Educational Stage: Preparatory stage one to grade three secondary stage *Main Scope : It is important to develop the skills of 21th century and the ability to be creative students and how to deal with different situations. *Curriculum – framing Questions: - Essential Question; How does language help students to practice language? -Unit Question; What kind of situation can students perform? Content Questions; 1- you want to invite someone . What should you say? 2- Your friend wants to borrow a book from you. What should you say? 3- you meet your old classmates . What should you say? 4- your friend broke the pen he borrowed from you. He apologized . What should you say? 5- You


We welcome all of you and I hope to communicate with me through my blog .